Research Projects

Corpus-Related Research

• Computational Linguistics
• Cultural Studies
• Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics
• Grammar/Syntax
• Historical Linguistics
• Language Acquisition
• Language Teaching
• Language Variation
• Lexicography
• Linguistics
• Machine Translation
• Natural Language Processing (NLP)
• Psycholinguistics
• Semantics
• Social Psychology
• Sociolinguistics
• Speech
• Stylistics

Corpus linguistics.
Studying language in collections of real-world text, and the sets of rules that govern them, and how they relate to other languages.
• Corpus-assisted discourse studies
• Corpus pragmatics
• Corpus stylistics
• Lexical priming
• Lexical selection
• Metaphor analysis 

Corpora of Academic Texts

• Essay.
• Research paper.
• Lab reports
• Literature review.
• Annotated bibliography.
• Research proposal.
• Dissertation
• Personal statement.
• Textbook
• Essays
• Theses
• Research Articles
• Case studies
• Reports  

Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial intelligence uses data corpus for the training and testing of models. Machine learning and artificial intelligence models of learning are now getting popularity and thus MUL Corpus Research center will facilitate students to develop data corpus from different fields. Today, Machine learning is not only more accessible in terms of programming language and development paths but also in terms of hardware resources. These corpora would be utilized both in industry and academia.

Translation Studies 

Comparative translation studies often require corpora and it has provided a basis for empirical descriptive research. Corpus-based studies usually involves the comparison of two (sub) corpora, in which translated texts are compared with either their source texts (parallel corpus) or with another (sub)corpus constructed according to similar design criteria (comparable corpus), either in the same or in another language. These corpora are used to investigate regularities of translated texts, regularities of translators and regularities of languages. MUL corpus research center will coordinate with translation centers and provide a platform where scholars able to execute their analysis.

Academic word lists

Learner corpora and academic lists are electronic collections of natural or near-natural data produced by foreign or second language learners play a crucial role in second language research and pedagogy, allowing for a systematic study of how learners of a second acquire the new language on a lexical as well as syntactic level, and how it is influenced by their native language. A special characteristic of this type of corpora are the markup of errors and prosodic features of the learners’ Corpus research center will encourage scholars to develop personalized learner corpora in a range of languages and collaborate with industry and academia for tool and framework development.

Proposed Topics for Corpus Research

• Folk-Etymology: Haphazard Perversion or Shrewd Analogy?
• The use of computer corpora in the textual demonstrability of gradience in linguistic categories
• The CHILDES project: tools for analyzing talk
• Corpus Linguistics and Lexicography
• The Urdu and English Corpus of Indian English – intravarietal description and/or intervarietal comparison
• A Changing World of Words: Studies in English Historical Lexicography, Lexicology and Semantics
• Generative Lexicon Meets Corpus Data: The Case of Nonstandard Word Uses
• Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use
• Has BrE Been Catching Up With AmE Over the Past Thirty Years?
• The WordNet in Pakistani Languages
• The CHILDES project: Tools for analyzing talk
• Variation Across Speech and Writing: A Corpus Study 

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